As I went to grab him, I realized my hands weren't "quite" big enough to get a good grip around his tree trunk ankles
... I got a bit "tense" as my backup arrived... as we were tryin' to handle hog, I could see Shiner was caught on his other ear, but her body was draped squarely over the bridge of the hog's nose... and I was "quite" concerned about it if you can't tell HAHA
.... finally got him handled and realized just how big he really was... this barr is, by far the biggest we've ever caught
... now I knew there was still a boar unaccounted for....
..... but, with all the action so fast, I figured I'd catch the dogs up before they "pushed their luck" if you know what I mean
... I guess I am a little bit superstitious lol... but I have learned, in life it is best to quit while you are ahead... another day my friend... another day