My point was txhogsondogs is that it was a hog and it took time and he was not an easy catch if they are in the woods then they should be allowed it it is a hog. We track hunted this hog not knowing what was at the end of the race. Oh and he is headed to the packing house to be made into sausage witch you have openly stated you don't agree with either.But there will be food and alot of it made off this hog.
WHo said i don't agree with a hog going to the packing house?? Just picked up 2 last Friday! (mine were 100 pds a peice though/ melt in my mouth) I havent't ever disagreed that they shouldn't count in a post. My point that i guess I'm not getting across is i don't agree with everyone that catches these barr hogs to be the toughest out there! ALlLthe stories ive read with hogs running and taking allot of the pack out has happen to me with boars! At least ya'll sent one to the packing house i don't have to worry about on the next way in!
SO what did he weigh??