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Author Topic: Open or silent  (Read 3560 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2013, 10:20:19 am »

.some obserevations I have made. I have always had silent curs & open mouth hounds. There are places where even when hunted with silent dogs the hogs are still gonna run.  I used to tell my bear hunting buddies that if we wanted to catch hogs we would put out one silent cur & we would bay more hogs. I believe this. I also believe in hard hunted areas my plotts will catch more hogs then most curs. Not all but most. There are curs out there that have noses as good as any hound & hounds out theree that can make good curs look strupid. A great hog dog whether a cur or a hound produces hogs. Also, Ithink the more dogs you have on the ground, the more apt the hog is to break. Some dogs just have the touch, whether hound or cur.
  My open mouth plotts never made my curs open & by the same token my silent curs never made my plotts shut up.lol  It basicly gets down to hunting your preference, open or silent. Also depends on how big a area you hunt.It is a alot harder to contain long range dogs if you just have a couple of thousand acres tdo hunt. JMO & not necessary the opinions of the viewing audience.


Bayou Cajun Plotts
Happiness is a empty dogbox
Relentless pursuit
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