I talked to a biologist at one of the public hunts in which Chance came down. There is a vet and a biologist checking blood samples of hogs taken from that hunt and others. They had tested over 50 or so hogs and counting. Depending on locations between 1 and 3 and 1 and 5 tested positives as carriers of the disease.
Psuedorabies has almost been eradicated in the Domestic swine herd because of a vaccine for domestic pigs.
I asked if it was a young dog because it seems younger dogs and dogs with compromised immune systems seem to be the dogs that come down with the disease. A vet believes that older healthy dogs are exposed to the enough continually that they build a resistance to it. NOT an immunity but stronger resistance!
if the vaccine works on pigs...It just makes me wonder why it doesn't work on dogs???