I will holler at you tomorrow Shawn for sure.
Yeah its way over rated if you ask me. Range don't make a dog not to me it don't. Of course you don't wont noting hanging around under your feet all the time and wont hunt but that a different story than a dog that is just smart uses its nose to wind and knows how to hunt and can almost tell if something is in the area soon as it steps out the truck bed. I will take a good short to med fast working dog that sticks his head in every bush and hunts through compared to a dog that just wants to go and blow . Its almost like having a dog that is smart nuff to understand how far his owner wants to hunt and will make rounds in accordance to that . This has noting to do with Stick to a hog once he is struck, because then it can turn into big time distances stick power is what I call it . I would ranter have the kind of dogs I was talking about with Super Stick and is ranging because of that vs a dog that just Ranges and goes and goes and goes till he finds something. Thats just me tho nobody is the same .
Am sure someone is gonna blast me and say if the dog aint ranging out a mile are two he aint huntin that to me is BS . I have seen many a dog blow out the box go a mile and run past hogs many a times and other dogs hunting behind this dog find two three hogs this dog left sitting in the bush .
x2...I like a dog that knows how to find a hog...