I have permission to trap 3 subdivisions that are full of hogs. I was originally called out to only one of the subdivisiom about two years ago. I set two traps, and they both caught. Then two of the homeowners decided it was cruel and released them, I pulled the traps. Fast forward a year and a half, homeowners association called and asked me to come back out. It took a year and a half for the pigs to overpopulate the area and cause so much damage and a flea problem that the tree hugging home owners not only agreed to the trapping, but asked that I put a trap in their yard, and told me to bring some dogs. Four trap loads later and one home owners associqtion meeting later, i now have all three subd with rights to everywhere. I'm greeted with happy hellos from everyone, and can use any means necessary to get rid of them. Same people, just different views. Too bad it took all that for it to happen.
funny what it takes to get things done.only when it personally affects them and their belongings
from me.....who else. tapatalk