Lot good replys thanks I dont look at the dogs for sale on here most are in Texas im in Arkansas I asked this mainly because im at a cross road I dont feel like I can advance forward without buying a good dog to put with my young dogs and I just wanted to get an idea of a fair price. I have some nice young dogs from good hog dog stock with alot of hunt they all got a touch of hound in them and will run anything a good solid dog will tell on them when they are trashing. I am gone 28 days home 28 days about the most I can hunt them is 4-5 times every other month its hard to get them going like that. Just looking for some opinions and advice. I either need to sell the dogs I got and just tag along with buddys or buy one jam up dog I recon.
jam up dogs need to get hunted too...after a while a jam up dog will probably trash if there aren't many hogs around...if you don't hunt much it will be best to dump the dogs in fresh hog sign...this will keep the trashin down...