« on: April 28, 2009, 06:45:29 am » |
Thanks man !!
I just read my post again and it was all over the place SORRY !!!
You can have an all around dog !! but to be competitive and maybe win a lil do you havta set different rules for a "pen only" dog !! ??
I know what my dogs will do in the woods and in a pen... but if i wanted to get some friends to travel with me to come check it out ??
Just wnat to have all our ducks in a row so knowone has the wrong understanding!!
I wish that there were some places closer to home for me i would love to get into it !!!
For Me i believe that is you have a handle on yer dog in any situation it makes it that much more enjoyable !!
I have heard of some bays in Ga. does anyone know about them in that state?
Thanks again Chaz