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Author Topic: Mother Nature and Changing Hogs .  (Read 872 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: March 09, 2013, 06:01:28 am »


To me over the past few years are more the hogs have changed .  They have changed from easy to bay and catech kinda hogs to running there butts off stop and fight then leave again and don't stop till the sun comes up again kinda hogs.  Now I know that the people have helped the hogs along with running hogs with anything from Pick A Poos to Pet Poodles with painted toe nails .  So yeah they have changed noting stays the same with Mother Nature involved she is culling the hogs and we the hunters are culling the hogs so these hogs are getting doubled culled .  That leaves only the best of the best for the most part to be bred and lets just say it .  The best runners are the ones left to breed .  So we are making theses hogs they way they are.  They have changed whether somebody wants to admit that are not we have changed them and Mother Nature has changed them are in the process of changing them into super hogs .

Jimmy...I agree with what you said...and I will add that mother nature does not make mistakes when culling...there is no comprimising...and as the dogs get better the hogs get better at fighting and running...and comprimising...

but on the other hand...we as hunters and hunting dog breeders make plenty of mistakes when breeding better hunting dogs...and why is that???because we are HUMAN...  Cheesy

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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