Started it up this mornin let it run for a little bit never got over 150-160 but was blowin some real rich smellin white exhaust tool it around the loop stayed around 140ish got back to the house no more rich smell and no more white exhaust so maybe it fixed itself? lol hell I dunno Ill find out Monday when I make that 45 minute drive
White smoke is burning coolant no ifs ands or buts. Most likely a cracked head. Then as it warms up the metal expands and pushes the crack together and slows the leak. Check online for new heads. The cracked head will not be taken for a core. Be sure to use your VIN and any numbers off the block to be sure you get the correct heads the first time.
Like Charles said you never use just water. Anti freeze is also coolant. Water boils before the coolant will. It also lubricates as it goes so your pumps and seals last as well as prevents corrosion.