« on: May 01, 2009, 08:29:19 pm » |
i have a theory about how it got started . in the early 2000 s i went on a mission trip to central america building houses . peaple there , just like in mexico have out houses on the side of the road in those mountain villages . an inch pipe carries the waste a few feet and dumps it right in the road where the many kids play . then it runs on down the hill and eventually to the river ( the same one they wash and drink out of ) . i saw several hogs just running loose , all they had to eat was garbage and they drank out of the little trickle coming down the hill . most people lived in a small1 room shed with a dirt floor , and ive seen hogs laying in there during the heat of the day .
looked to me like a prime location for some kind of epidemic to develop , my only suprise is why it took this long .