Dont believe the comment was meant to be in a vain manner. But will allow him to answer that for himself.
I will have to speak up on your question in a truthful way.
I have hunted with some good cats...NOT MANY.....but as a dog man I will always give credit due to natural performance no matter the breed or how much I pick and joke around.
But on a serious complete personal preferences will always be YBMC. Mainly due to my own unique experiences that have proven them to compliment my stlye of hunting in a 360 degree form...including looks.
No Malice toward anyone.. but to answer your question about receiving a dog or pup from any one of the highly respected breeders of Catahoulas......I would without question always respectfully decline....My heart isn't with that particular breed.
Truthfully the question is loaded from the beginning and cannot be answered without numerous prejudices that come into play from everyone's personal tastes and experiences.
There is no right or wrong answer to this or any other VS question when it comes down to it......Only what makes you happy personally.
Hope this thread goes back to a lil lighter mood........So I can quit being serious and begin ragging on Kitty Cats again.