I have both Black Mouths and Catahoula's. Have seen some very good dogs in both breeds. Out of good stock I wouldn't turn down a prospect in either breed.
70 years old and still catching hogs.
Know a lot of people with Black Mouths that Has some great dogs, also know a lot of people that has some outstanding Catahoula's but in either breed you will never see they in the classifieds.
That's Wisdom!
You pass on a dog because of its breed....
exactly!!!! someone like me learns from the old dudes that tried it all and stick to what works. just look at that rig that mr.Boland has. the shock on dog box is genius, or Mr Masons catdo catch dog. never waste any energy never barks never even has a hint of excitement until he's cut loose.
from me.....who else. tapatalk