Blah, Blah, Blah.... Too many variables to argue over RCD's.
1st you have to agree on a solid definition of a Running Catch Dog, that unanimously everybody can agree on to even start this arguement. Since everyones definition is different then you will never have a solid answer. ... Now why is everyones opinion different you ask?
We hunt different terrains and different hogs.
South Ga, a RCD is any Breed of dog that will hunt his/her own hogs, will not let out a single bark, and will catch. Period. What works good, different terrain requires different dogs. It all boils down to what produces best for you.
So, L3 by YOUR stated def of RCD's, I have 1
These days we don't even call em RCDs anymore. There's too much confusion with exactly what kind of dog we're talking about. It's hard enough getting ppl to except the fact that our dogs do what we say they do. We just call em Finder/holders or OneOuts . A dog only gets called a OneOut in our yard if it can be expected to hold any pig it may come accross. Usually I sell a dog cause its not fitting the bill, not meeting expectations, or not suitable for breeding, I tell the buyer what they're getting they try to talk me down on price in disbelief. So to get the dog gone and in a hunting home I might take a little less. About a week or two later I get a call stateing exactly what I said the dog would do and do I want sell some more of my dogs. Mine and L3s dogs find and catch pigs and live to do it every hunt. Plain and simple. Your dog has to have big b.lls and so does the man handling them to trust they're not gona die. If a dog in my pack bays it get culled. Meaning it gets sent down the road to someone else that can use it.