Luke Seymour
« Reply #40 on: April 08, 2013, 09:38:06 pm » |
Man if I can be of any help getting any of the names or address please let me know and ill get them bud. I don't have anything hide man. I thought it went well. Didn't realize all hells broke loose behind me.
I did pay 2 instead of only havering to pay 1. Wasn't trying to screw any body but I did. I screwed the first place by taking money and spreading it out over 2 instead of 1. I've already got their names and found numbers. Contacted Chantz and apologized to him for it.
I apologize you won't be back but maybe in a few years you join one and come hunt some of my stuff or just for the heck of it. Sorry that you feel that way about me but hindsight is 20/20 and y'all helping us put it together better. Praying it gets a ton better each year all the way around. From sponsers, the handlers, all the way down the hunters !