Mixes most definatly, my patterdales are more likely to attack you then my catch dog....he gonna knock that a$$ over and lick you. Miss LA you would know better than me, but what would the old bulldog men do with man aggressive dogs....since they required being handled so regular to do what in fact they bred them to do.
Leave it to misinformed coupled with the media to turn a breed known in the '20's as the "Nanny Breed" #1 most populous FAMILY dog to into a man eater. Then take all the chain toting thug wanna be's and.......not even gonna go there, sorry y'all just really lights me up.
Man biting bulldogs (APBT's) earned a quick dirt nap back in the day, as it should be. (Well with exception of a couple I know of, not naming no names, lol.)
Yeah back in the day when only dogmen had bulldogs, this problem did not exist.