Becoming a 'fad' breed is what darn near ruined the APBT.
It's annoying when folks pick up a certain breed of dog jus' cause they think it's 'cool' or what have you. That's when you start seein bursts of them types of dogs in the shelters being dumped. You'd see people dumpin beagles because they 'bark too much' and want to 'escape and smell everything,' or people dumping herding type dogs because they 'nip their kids' heels and try to herd them,' or people who have terriers that dump 'em cause they 'dig up their yards' and 'kill small animals.'
Sorry, that just got me off on a tangent. lol. I just wish people wanting a dog soley for a pet would at least take the time to research what breeds were bred to do before they aquire one.
100% right Lacys have fell in this trap as well