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Author Topic: hunting dogs  (Read 2113 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2013, 05:16:14 pm »

Heck I'll go you one deeper, catahoulas. (yes, mass produced blackmouths too in my opinion, but let's stick to an easy one)

I'd bet ya 20 years ago you could have picked 10 different guys who kept and worked cats, grabbed a pair of pups from each of them and two years later you'd have 6-10 pretty decent hog dogs.

Then the catahoula craze came about and everyone started breeding for form and in reality were breeding dogs who were pretty and better behaved yard pets, because what non hunting breeder wants a terribly behaved dog who's always digging out and killing the neighbors kitties?
Those crap dogs that got produced still made their way into the hands of hunters who didn't know there was better to be had. (like myself 10 years ago)

Fast forward to now and you get a pair of pups from the first ten litters you come across and two years from now you may have a dog or two who gets it done.

Breeding dogs is super duper easy, breeding perfomamce dogs, not so much.

And to the original fella, there are some things you can train into a dog, like sit stay and what animal you want them to hunt, but you can't train hunt, nose, bottom, speed or intelligence. Disagree, that's fine, but it is what it is and when a fello figures that out he's finally at the starting line.

I agree with you 100% Terry, very well stated.

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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