Squeaky wheel gets the grease. But don't be too rude. I would be calling once a day just for a status check. The mechanic is a person and may be doing the best he can. He needs to understand you are a person not just another job. How you get mad decides what you get. Let him know you are upset, and you need the truck. That he said he woul do something but didn't do it (do not call him liar let him think of that himself.) Now you want to know what he is going to do to make things better. Don't accuse him just give hime a chance to be your hero. Almost everyone wants to be a hero so play on his ego. It works on women too. Learning how to get mad is an art.
Good advice for sure, thank you.
I am ALWAYS polite, and respectful, even when I am mad.....
I wouldn't want to pi$$ this guy off either, lol, being he has my truck and all. When I was a kid, my step "dad" was an ASE mechanic specializing in trannys. I was a lil grease monkey back in them days lmao, and I did see some not so ethical things that some mechanics did back then here and there. Not cool.
I'm trying, VERY hard......to be patient...it's getting difficult.