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Author Topic: Breeding for Results...  (Read 8973 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: June 02, 2013, 01:51:45 am »

Say you had two linebred litter mate brothers. One was an exceptional dog but out of 3 litters didn't produce the same as himself and only threw average dogs for his line. Would you breed the lesser brother? And if you did and he threw above average dogs for the line which one would you continue to breed to?
Best to best is not always the best. Half of the time there is a lesser litter mate that will produce much better dogs if they are line bred.

HALLELUJAH THE ANGELS ARE DANCING IN HEAVEN  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes sir brother !  Amen !  Damn its been a long long time since I seen somebody say this!  When you got heavy line bred to inbred family's of dogs it is not always the best perform ace dog in the liter that is going to be the producers of great dogs.   A whole lot of the time when it is heavy heavy family bred it is the Ole ordinary good but not great bro are sister that is the real producer in the liter.

Why is this you ask well usually it will be the one that has the most are is showing the most inbred defects .  In this I mean he will be slower not be as fast maybe not breath as good as his super star bros are sisters he will show the defects from the heavy breeding.   What does this tell you ?   Well it tells you that to make super dogs there has to be some hybrid vigor take effect in the breedings in order for the super stars to perform the way they do ,  so that tells you their gene pool is not as pure as the Ole regular brother are sisters is .   So what does this tell you well it tells you that that Ole regular bro are sister that are showing some inbred defects is the one that is packing the concentrated gene pool of all the dogs in the liter .  Now what does that tell you well it tells you that this Ole reg bro are sisters is just liable to be the ones that can throw that concentrated gene pool to make those super stars that is family is known for.

When breeding it is not all the time about who is the best and breeding best to best even tho a lot of folks sling it around ,  I myself think it just makes them feel like they got big balls with out the experience to really know what they are talking about but the people that have bred many dogs and many liters know what this man here chainrated just spoke of.  It takes a lot of breeding and a lot of studying of breeding to even realize this !

Great post Chainrated !

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
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