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Author Topic: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?  (Read 7873 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #40 on: June 02, 2013, 03:36:49 am »

Take u a spray bottle gas in it or a can or startn fluid to the vehicle. Hav some 1 turn the eng over while sprayin the gas or startn fluid in the intake at the air filter. If the rng fires iff n stays running only if ur sprayin fuel in the intake, then u know its the fuel system, not a ecm/pcm, crank or cam sensor. U can also disconnect the fuel line from the filter and see if the fuel pump is even pumpin fuel, if no fuel, replace pump, if its pumpin, reconnect n move down the line till u get to the eng n injectors. I sure wish i was closer, u woulda done had a diaognosis or fixed tck.

This here makes the most since to me...If you didn't have the problems until the vehicle ran out of gas then it has to be a plugged pup filter or injectors...Sea foam is great stuff for an additive but if the tank is very dirty it can loosen up some gunk and plug up what I just bet is that it is something simple but these guys are probably going to fix more than what is needed...probably fix something that adds more hours of labor...

My f-350 was running out of fuel at 3/8th of a tank but I didn't know the gauge was off zero because I usually fill the tank before then...the first time I let the fuel get that low my truck started missing real bad...I checked the computer and it said I needed 2 sensors so I replaced them and added fuel and cleared the sensors...well it happened again and the same sensors came on...this time I added fuel and cleared the sensors and it ran fine...The third time I let the fuel tank get to almost empty and the truck was missing again and I filled it back up and cleared the computer of the sensors one more I know for sure it is my gauge that is off...I don't let it get that low...


Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
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