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Author Topic: Breeding for Results...  (Read 9074 times)
mike rogers
Strike Dog
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Posts: 277

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« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2013, 11:21:56 am »

I'd make the brother sister cross too. I did 1/2 brother to 1/2 sister cross on this litter. They both had the same mother just different dads. I got one pup that looks like nothing else in the litter. Where did she come from Good only knows, but she seems to be very smart and active on game. Even in a close line bred system you can still have a pup pop out like none of the rest.  Now my plans are to do this and keep a record of my results.

breed a full brother to sister and keep results

breed son to mother of the pups now and keep results.

2 years down the road grandson to grandmother and keep results.

2 years father to daughter and keep the results.

the reason behind it all is to find what cross produces the best cross. Some lines will do better with a father daughter cross while some will do better with a mother son cross and so on and so on... It's a lot of work and takes a lot of time, but it can pay off greatly. You got to keep all the records of the pups as you go so you can see where to cross back in or breed away from.  You can get a head start on this by buying  pups out of a proven line bred cross. Buy 2 or 3 with the same like traits that you like and start breeding from there or buy a pup from a litter and one from the previous litter. Just try to match up like traits that you like.

This is a great way to start.  You have a guys out there that have put the time in for you and it gives you a head start with building what you want. If a guy has got the jam up, hard hitting style you like and he's producing litters after litters with results then I would say go this route. It will save you a ton of time. If you don't then your gonna be like me and it's gonna take you 4 to 5 years to work out the kinks and figure your breeding out.  The only reason I'm doing it this way is because theres just not that many American Leopard Curs / hounds out there.

good luck with your breeding program.

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