well it all depends on how much breeding stock of that old male is availble ?....... definately if you want more like him breed the ones that look more like him and pick the better ones to breed back to each other gonna have good and bad in any breedings til you get lined out in agood really inbreeding program .... had afriend of mine had an old dog that was a good dog he thoughtthe world of but he was of mixed up blood ....litters would look like a box of chocolates ...last time he bred him he had one pup looked just like the old dog ....he kept him and one female well she turned on perty good but didn't look nothing like his old dog .. the male pup that looke dlike the old male wasn't makeing it .... i told him keep the pup breed him to something of the bloodline if you can find one ..get you a few pups that look like your old dog and kill the male since he ain't much .... breed the good ones that look like the old dog and you will eventually get back to the old dog and probably breed more likeness of him than he did since he wasn't line or inbred..... well he didn't and now he can't get one that looks like his old dog . .he lost it ... looks is the first sign of likeness in any animal or human to show what the lenage is ....