The ukc does accept the bmc
Right on. I was under the impression that they were considered "mutts" for lack of a better word, not an actual breed. When did the UKC accept them?
Dont know. In 2009 i got a pair from a guy just north of ok city. After bout 7mths of waiting, i finaly get the reg papers for them. Supposedly the parents were ukc reg, but unless the registry holds an x amount of reg # per parents just for the pups, the parents reg numbers were sequential with the puppy reg papers. So as of 2008 to current, i can only speak for. Im not sure bout the catahoula cur though, not sure if the ukc or nkc recognize or acknowledge them as a breed but they should.
The bmc pups i got from ok had the "text book" confirmation, build n color, but wouldnt do crap. I spent $700 on them n gave them away to a guy in ok. He said the fm turned out a good cow dog but the male popped smoke n wondered the area. Not sure whats goin on with them now