1lead dog an all the others are still learning our they have a reason they cant out shin so they are all
help dogs that cant out shine your lead dog . an that goes for started dogs too if they can't do the lead dogs job then they are just help dogs too!
But understand...it doesn't mean that everyone's 2nd or 3rd dog CAN'T take the lead if necessary.
In my case...I don't actually know, lol. I've never hunted without my #1 so I can't say for sure. I honestly think my #2 could get the job done if I made her.
That's one thing that we probably ALL need to do more....leave #1 at home sometimes and let someone else step up. It's happened many times....old faithful gets killed and everyone's lost for a few months. Probably better to give others the chance to lead when we can. Hard to do though