Define what TYPE of aggression you're referring to. That'll help for better answers I think.
Any and all CD's we have here are big babies with humans, and are tolerant to other dogs...but when they see a hog, and catch's intensity and determination to it's fullest. I wouldn't consider it aggressive per se'.
Hope that was helpful input in some way

You pretty much answered my question. A lot of the people I know are pretty biased against the breeds that are normally used as catch dogs, (i.e. Pit Bulls) and have it in their head that they're all blood-thirsty monsters or something ridiculous. But that brings to mind another question, how do you train your dog to attack hogs, but not other animals or people?
Well, can't help ya there, as we don't "train them to
attack hogs." We DO however show them to catch and hold a hog so it's safe for us to get in there and leg it.

They're introduced to a hog, and in most cases, it comes pretty natural to a dog that has a good prey drive. Said dog HAS to be socialized early on with people/strangers/other dogs as someone already mentioned because when we're out hunting, they're exposed to people they may not know as well as multiple other dogs they may or may not know.