what you got to remember when you outcross from the outside the family pool not only do you bring in the good genes, you bring in the bad ones too. You can control what you have and what you want to produce from line breeding and inbreeding. Outcrossing can be done and in some cases needs to be done, but remember that those undesirable characteristics are normally hidden until you make the cross. I prefer to go further back into the same family for the outcross. It's still line breeding, but your going out of the box and opening the gene pool up, but from the same family. For example uncle to niece. You can pull out of a previous litters or even 2 litters prior and put on a daughter of your sire and dam. If the uncle carries those desired characteristics that your hunting and has a lot of the same characteristics of the female and or the sire or dam, then you should be producing the same desirable dogs that took so long to build and breed. Again this may not be the best cross. you may need to go great grandfather to grand daughter or so on so on. The biggest concern in outcrossing is not knowing what undesirable characteristics you'll be introducing into your line. And that may take a year off your breeding program and set you back.
We all start somewhere. The best advise that I can give : " you'll never know until you make the cross" . Live and learn. Go to proven breeders that are producing dogs that have what you want and start putting it all together. Remember not all best dog to best dog produce best dogs. Sometimes that crap just doesn't line up and you get a bunch of culls with one shining star. We all want 100% on ever litter, but trust me thats harder than you think do, if not impossible.
good luck with what ever you do.