so whats the vedict on ur tck?
Well, she's STILL in the shop. This guy may be a reputable mechanic, but he is SLOW as molasses.
So far he has: changed plugs, wires, oil, intake valve spring
Today he was supposed to be testing his theory that the fuel injectors are bad by borrowing some from someone he knows and installing them to see if it finally solves the issue (if it does, I pay for the parts, if not, he just gives the parts back from whomever he's loaning them from.) He says it's "running" but that I cannot drive it like it is long term or I risk ruining my engine. Last he told me this past Friday, was that he suspects the injectors are bad. I didn't 'bother' him today, but I AM calling him tomorrow to see what the deal is. He also said I was 'missing a few things' from my engine when the truck was towed to him from the prior shop. One thing being crucial. I wish he'd have just told me the proper name for it (I'm sure he was talking kindergarten terms just because I am a female) but he said it was a box that has something to do with keeping dirt and debris out of the engine. Said if he can't find a used one it's gonna cost me "a few hundred" likely from a dealer?! Said I can't drive without it. I'll be asking him for the exact part tomorrow when I speak to him. You guys seriously have NO idea how over this situation I am. A couple times my husband called him and I guess expressed how LOOOONG the truck has been there and the guy was just like "Well you're welcome to come pick it up as is if I'm not fast enough for ya." I am NOT towing this truck anywhere else dangit I just want it FIXED. This whole ordeal is exhausting. I really need my truck. I understand things take time, but this is just absolutely ridiculous. Going on a month I believe that this latest mechanic has had it!