Trey, In all likelihood he is probably a cull. Somebody did not want to do the right thing & just dumped him without identification. Either the owners did not have permission Or the dog is a cull. If he was good, you would think he would have some kind of tracking devise or ID on him. Anyway, hope the owner does claim him. Hate it when dogs get dumped.
Could be wouldn't think a cull could get as scarred up as this one is but possible or it could be as SJ put it just thought I would try to give someeone a chance at gettingn there dog back, pretty sure he won't last long at the pound just on his looks of alone. I hve had one person contact me but he couldn't tell me what he looked like but thought he was a buddy of his dog? will see if that pans out?
Take him hunting and you will see if he is a cull or not! I mean if nobody claims him. just a thought