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Author Topic: Opinions please  (Read 2431 times)
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2013, 07:27:30 am »

You may need to go in there with a rolled up news paper and whip some ars lol or just scare the crap out of them when they get out of hand. Teach them lil suckers to chill

Whipping them doesnt do any good. I have started hosing them down with water when they start brawling. Lol seems to work better.

I break up any and all bad behavior before it goes too far with a water hose. Works like a charm.
I never had a litter act like yours but I had a momma cur single out a pup for what ever reason. She could
of killed the pup anytime she wanted but would stop short of killing it. She would make her squeal all day long. I finally had to separate them. After a few weeks they were good. It was her first litter. Bred her a couple more times with no issues.

"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be. But PERFORMANCE indicates what the animal actually is."
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