how about the outcome of a civilian shooting a threatening le canine?
they place their "canine employees" almost, if not equal to, a human officer.
but wait, it's okay for them to use canines as long as it's in their interest, while
our rights to raise, possess and use canines is steadily infringed upon?
civilians cannot even legally kill a dog unless it is in the act of
endangering domestic livestock, even then...
as a side note, i'm not against military and law enforcement using dogs. not in the least.
it's just that the gap in between what is okay (moral, ethical, lawful) for government, military and law enforcment and what is okay for civilians gets wider and wider by the day. it seems to me that to be able to create and enforce standards, you, as the creator and enforcer, must also live by the standards you create and enforce. who will guard the guards?
I say AMEN to that...