that's a nice looking bull dog...and that bluetick pet could be the lead strike dog in another month or 2...
this is a quick bluetick story...a man I know in South Texas has a friend that is the animal control officer and he is always on the lookout for a good catch dog or strike dog and keeps my friend with a good supply of dogs...
one day he calls and has a bluetick that this kid got for his birthday and couldn't be kept in town any longer so he was at the pound...this was a high dollar pup from a well known line of blueticks I was told...
Well the dog gets picked up from the pound and is taken on a hunt and he makes a trip around a corn field the some hood dogs... and the hood dogs strike and catch a hog in the corn patch...the bluetick goes with them and is baying pretty good...they drag the hog out next to the edge of the field and load the dogs back up...they continue the hunt around the field and as they come back to pick up the dead hog the bluetick strikes from the back of the truck and some are saying that he is baying the dead hog and some are saying no it is another hog...they turn the bluetick out and he goes and bays another hog...the moral of the story...don't bet against a well bred hound...
hope that pup turns on like you want...