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Author Topic: George Zimmerman Acquitted!!  (Read 6619 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2013, 04:13:09 pm »

I don't know enough hard facts of exactly what went down between those two individuals to make a full opinion on the verdict. I CAN throw my opinion out there based off of what I did read in various sources.
RACES ASIDE......because race should NOT be a factor here (speaking for myself anyway) .....just because a kid is walking around a complex with a hoodie on should not automatically mean he's up to no good. I know that stereotypes are a b*ich though, so I'm sure Mr. Security stopped him to question him or whatever because that's what he assumed. Whether the kid was gang affiliated or not, was a weed head or not, IN THAT MOMENT should have been irrelevant, because he was simply walking through the parking lot....NOT attacking, or harassing anyone, or causing a duisturbance. He was indeed unarmed. So okay, the two wind up in a tussle/grapple/fight....what....was Mr. Security seriously in LEGIT fear of his LIFE to where he pulled his gun and had to shoot this kid DEAD? Only weapons this kid had on him were his fists, a soda pop, and a damn bag of skittles. I'm sorry THIS particular situation, I don't feel that Zimmerman was justified to take this kid's life. Shoot him in his leg or arm or.....somewhere just to wound and make the kid imobile......but not kill. I think it's pretty frigged up that a lot of folks are all like " Oh it's just another thug off the street " or whatnot. Does this concept give me the right to just go take a ride to the 'hood' and get to blastin people cause they LOOK suspect, and they're 'thugs' or whatnot? Now this is just my opinion, like everyone else has expressed. I DO NOT know what EXACTLY took place in that incident, so I'm sure if I had more specific info, it is possible that my viewpoint could shift a bit in regards to the legit 'fear for his life' or self defense claim. All we can do is speculate.
Let me add: I do NOT condone ignorant law breaking idiotic behavior from ANY human being, black, white, yellow, purple
                  I FULLY support the right to bears arms, and to defend myself and my family (and I WILL), if JUSTIFIED
I'm sure at least one person is not going to like my insight. But it's just an opinion, like everyone elses.

Who knows. Zimmerman knows in his heart if what he did was justifiable, and he will carry that for the rest of his life.

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
*Proud member of the Mississippi Hunting Dog Association*
ADBA Safe Dog Program Evaluator and Trainer
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