Bo Pugh
the reason the naacp and Al sharptn or jesse jackson are like they are is because they got alot of people standing behind them no matter if they are right which they are not or wrong. it dont matter whats happening the colored people always have each others back. the white people could have a al sharp or jesse jackson or martin luther or whomever but the white people will not stand behind each other when it gets down to business, usually the whites will end up mad at each other or back down and let whatever go. every bit of this mess is the white peoples fault for letting it go on and its to late now. im just telling the truth like it is. and im white as a white crayon but i know not to look behind me as i would be the only one there just like everyone of you know the same thing. hope this makes sense its hard to type on a public forum without stepping on any toes if yall know what i mean