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Author Topic: Update HB 3180 you should be against it, The Texas Veteriary Medical Assoc. is  (Read 2038 times)
Boar Slayer
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« on: May 14, 2009, 02:38:15 pm »

It's time to realize that we must stand together.
This dog legislation is the same . Just because you don't breed dogs, live inside a city limit, own a bully breed, keep dogs on chains or agree 100% doesn't mean you don't need to call your representative and oppose these bills. Just because a bill sounds or is written to be harmless or not to affect you directly, doesn't mean you don't need to look for the hidden agenda because it will affect you in the end. It's also time to realize that it doesn't matter how they write it, it's always up for reform (which is much easier for them to pass) and they know it. They will take every foothold no matter how small and utilize it to build upon for the next attack.

JOIN the TDHA... STAND UP for the issues that affect YOU... STAND TOGETHER with those who do things a little different than you do. WE HAVE ENOUGH LAWS. If what is already on the books is enforced, then all is O.K.

A house divided cannot stand. History proves it. Wake up folks or we're all going to loose and with the current administration at the National level it's going to be sooner than later.--John

this is the best point yet.... they don't really care what they get passed, in the long run.  Once they get something on the books is when you have to worry.  it's much easier for them to tack on amendments then it is to get a bill passed.  just because they ammended it to appease people now doesn't mean it can't be changed back just as easy.  only then it'll be a law instead something in front of a committee. 
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