One of mine is a Joe Burkett dog, he is just like the dog you mentioned. I had another Joe Burkett dogs years ago and he was the same way. There are gritty plotts all over the country, some are used on hogs and a lot on bear. Bear hunters typically want gritty dogs that will make a dog tree; a bear will walk on dogs that are not gritty, thus you end up with a untreed bear. The guy most known for gritty, gritty plotts being used for hog is Mike Cauley. His line is most commonly known as the Bayou Cajun Plotts. He goes by Cajun on here or you can look him up on Facebook. I've had several dogs from Mike. I only have one plott that I would consider gritty, but that is what I want. I don't want all of my plotts to be real gritty. I like hunting one or two and I like them to bay. If the hogs breaks and runs, I'll turn some more in after a couple of hours and eventually he will stop. When he does, he is usually caught. There are a lot of other gritty plots on the east coast and in the Wisconsin/Michigan area; they aren't known of because a lot of those kind don spend time advertising dogs or bosting about them on websites. They are serious bear hunters that like their dogs and could care less what others think.