U can theow all the red flags at me u want, i dont care. Im just sayin ur jumpin down ole boys throat for posting that he didnt get screwed on a dog deal. From the way u got all defnsive bout his post, a person theorize u could b the dog trader. I dont think that to be true though bc i dont recolect very many posts in the dog trade, but still, some could make their own conclusion as to why u jumped feet first in his a$$ over a topic that has been discussed many times, even an admin commented to him bout not gettin taken for a ride.
I guess they could but I ve never posted a dog in the dog trade. I see where your coming from but I guess I felt like he might have been jumping the gun when the other guy just might have had someone come buy the dog. So I didn't really see him dodging a bullet but I guess I view things different not everyone is out there to screw us. Though there are more to screw us than help us. Me personally I won't buy a dog unless its a dog that a close hunting friend has. Period.