This isnt really relevent to me but just to play Devils Advocate.....
So a "TRIAL" is no longer good enough on a dog advertised as strike, find, or finished!?!
If a man wants to buy your dog and you dont want to travel to HIS place, you've got to take him to one of YOUR spots to show him!?!
Evidently not, because all the people that get screwed have the dogs on trial... then the seller disappears.
Point is, if you can't see the dog hunt... don't buy it!
If you can't show the dog hunt hunt... go peddle your junk somewhere else!
It's pretty simple...
The bossman hath spoketh!!!
And while im sure no one cares about my opinion, I agree with what he said above....... I honestly can't think of 1 thread in the recent past where what went down wasn't pretty much word for word what Mr. Mike said above.........
guy buys dog on sucks....guys tries to get money back and seller disappears......guy gets upset and complains.....
It's sad that hunter will do this to each other but it happens and thats just a fact of life....... there ARE good dogs on this site for sale occasionally but you gotta look for em and do your homework!