I'm not a vet but that don't sound like heat to me. I mean unless u have a closed box and he spent a long time in it and was already real hot before u dropped him. It could be a straight out stroke or seizure or other issue. Have u had the dog checked for heart worms? Even on ivomec he could still have worms. I have seen ivomec fail more than once.
Agree with Shotgun...had a pup a few years back get sepperated where bay broke...he ended up back tracking to original strike point (1/2 mile) then back to bay point...then picking up the newer trail and tried to catch up with the older dogs. He covered probably 3-4 miles which isn't that much but this pup wasn't conditioned well and towards the end of the hunt it was around 80 degrees.
When I found him he was layed out. I took him back and cooled him off. He never stood up. Next morning still layed out...got some water and IV into him and went to work. Came home and he had moved but still layed out. It took 3 days before he was back to himself.
I still hunt in warm weather but whether a dog/pup is conditioned or not, I ain't got any issues with cutting/calling dogs off. Better than losing them.
But again...what your describing doesn't sound like heat.