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Author Topic: Chasing Ghost !  (Read 1760 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: August 12, 2013, 10:19:44 pm »

Yup that sounds like a great one "Ghost" there Rueben not many are going to do that ,  that young.  What ever happened to him Rueben ?

I have had some damn good ones so far with the hog dogs but no Ghost yet am just standing ready hoping he is gonna show himself are herself.  I know what am looking for now back then at 20 something yrs old I was just a damn fool LOL nobody could tell me noting . It was all Harleys,  beer, dance halls, women and bars LOL .

O chit man I hope we don't see no Ghost dogs for sale in the dog trade .  We will damn sure know they are full of chit if we do Lmao !   

yea...I deviated from the dogs for a while as well...  Cool Evil

that dog got ate by a gator at about 8 years of age...we were on a hunt and we let the dogs out and they rolled out down the road with rice fields on each side...they turned into the woods and went to working some hog sign...yeller left out after the dogs but took a track into the rice field but couldn't work it...he came back out in about 15-20 minutes...then he moved on out towards the other dogs and went about 3/8th of a mile in the woods and struck pretty quick...all the dogs went to him and the hog broke and he led the dogs to a small lake that was full of was my first time there and gave that place up after a few hunts...about as many gators as hogs in that place...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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