Over time I have come to figure out that making that once in a life time dog is like chasing Ghost's A Ghost is only going to show himself when he wants to show himself and there is not a damn thing you can do about it till he is ready to manifest himself . Its like a great dog he is coming when he wants to come not when you want him to come . A man is lucky to have a once in a life time type of dog "A Ghost" and he is very very blessed if he ever has two in his life time. I have come to the conclusion over time "30 yrs" that is best to just hunt and have fun with what you do have and breed your best to your best and hope for even better. Sure you can add this and that and that and this and have fun along the way. But the most important thing is if you got really good dogs is enjoy them because not everybody is as fortunate. Hell if you got dogs that finds you hogs regularly enjoy them and quit worrying about well he don't have this are he don't have that . He got you the hog didn't he ? Am very completive person have been my whole life and it will drive a man nearly crazy trying to figure out how to make the greatest dog . I have figured out to just kick back breed your best to your best and let the "Ghost' come to you because he is not going to be found unless he is ready to be found . If it is meant to happen it is gonna happen sooner are later and if it is not meant to happen well we cannot control that part of it . I know men that have went to their graves with frowns on their faces because their best was never good enuff, now really if you think about that its a damn shame really . Why because some of these men were great dog men and breeders of their times and their best never was good nuff. This is not only true in the dog game but other walks of life. The rich can never have enuff money they just want more and more till they ruin their lifes and never enjoy a damn thing and go to their graves with frowns on their faces.
No as I get older and wiser I have decided the dogs I have and hunt are good nuff for me and that's all that matters. Does that mean they are good nuff for the next man ? I doubt it but they ain't hunting them I am. Does that mean that I will ever stop trying to get the dogs better and better ? Nope sure don't I will always try to make them better because the min you think you got the best there is that is the min you are done in the dog game . It just means am learning to enjoy what I have and let things come to me and if don't ever get here that's just fine to because Am already enjoying the dogs I do have.
What it means is that am going to learn to enjoy what I have while I can because tomorrow is never promised . All the BS and the bickering , bashing , who's right, who's wrong and everything that goes along with it , there is no one answer for all of it because one mans yes is another mans no . That's just life !
Jimmy I agree with you, and you even have me to thinking. It may be time to slow down and enjoy the dogs I feed.