Is that the same one we took across the beltway that day and bayed just outside the subdivision?
Those B@!!$ look familiar
Myles, I think it is. That was the only time he bayed... and the only one that's ever took me across the beltway.
There's no pattern to this hog, he's been started in different places and runs different every time. The problem is, he doesn't stick around after being run a couple times... he may be gone for a while now. But, there's cameras all over the place... I'll be after him when he shows back up.
Charles, I would guess him at least 250# based on pics and almost getting ran over by him that day with Myles.
That was a butt puckering moment....thinking we had a little hog bayed and that big som buck come out dang near run us over!!! and the fact that the dogs run across 4 lanes of a major high way to het there!!!
Neither of those two experiences were the freaky ones. Till we had a lil down time and Mike went to catching snakes.
Ask me to knife fight a grizzly in a thicket......Hells Yea.
Stand next to a crazy man holding a snake.......OUT Brotha!