Sorry this has taken this long but my computer crashed and I now have a new one. I would like to thank everyone that has made T-N-T Bay Pen a success in such a short time. We look forward to seeing ya'll Saturday. If you need directions give me a call 254-746-7628 or 979-676-2388. Sorry for missing some of your calls. With moving the bay pen to the woods there has been plenty of work around here. We feel this will not only be a lot cooler but also better on the dogs and hogs. If you need to use map quest here is the physical address: 8255 FM 2954 Bremond TX 76629. Follow the signs.
Thanks again,
Gilbert Thompson
T-N-T Bay Pen
So Mr Thompson, the bay pen has been moved, and is no longer in the front like it was last month? But it is at the same place, right?