Judge and everyone else who skipped out on statistics class,
First of all the genius who made the poker analogy needs to reconsider his stance. In the game of poker you can only win one time per game. So the odds of winning 100 poker hands out of 100 games is very slim.
Now in the hog hunting game you can kill multiple hogs per hunt. So you need to take your poker analogy and apologize for wasting everyone's time.
Now if you would like to use a game analogy use a dice. Now I know what's going to be said "there is no zero on a dice". So for our purposes 6 on the dice will be our zero.
So I want you to role the dice 100 times. The probability of going over 100 is very high.
1st roll- 2
2nd roll- 4
3rd roll- 0
4th roll- 2
5th roll- 1
6th roll- 5
7th roll- 0
8th roll- 0
9th roll- 1
10th roll- 3
So these 10 rolls represent 10 hunts. So according to what's been said by people on this thread is that it is impossible to kill 100 hogs in 100 hunts. So I can't kill ten hogs in ten hunts according to theory of the mathematical geniuses on this thread.
So l rolled the dice ten times and and got 18 as a total. I even had three dry runs and still beat the target goal.
Hog hunting is all a game of chance. Will the hogs be there,will I catch one, will I catch eight or will I catch zero.
It's just like rolling a dice.
Now if you don't have hogs where you hunt that your own fault. I suggest you go where the hogs are..
Everything I wrote is based on having hogs on your places.
Red79 has some good dogs and great places to hunt. Every time we hunt with him we get 3-6 hogs inside a couple hours.
They're not hog farms and high fences. Just free range places.
Have a great day!
Biggest crock of BS I've ever heard...there ain't no substitute for HOG DOGS!
There's no chance, no excuses, and no BS for guys who consistently do it. It's hog hunting it aint much calculus, statistics, or trigonometry, it's just hog hunting.