The sad truth is in most case's... Fake it till you make it! Or just plain ol luck.
yea, I cant lie about my experience, bc if they actually do call to verify, then that's lie #1 they got ya in, if they don't call and you get on the job and don't know how to do it but you said you did, that lie #2. I don't mind stretching the truth or bold face lying depending on who it is, but for the most part, my pops beat it into me to tell the truth no matter what. honesty always pays off. well used to pay off. I know I don't like being lied to, especially by the company I work or plan to work for, so its not right to lie to them. I ran into this issue with a company that took part of the contract over on ft hood. I get to work on day 1, 3hrs into the first day, myself and 59 other from 3 different hangars got our 30 day lay notice. the mid of the month, a job fair was being held and so happen that the company I just got my lay off notice from was there. I ask about any other positions available, handed my resume to her, she looked it over and ask me if I had my a&p (airframe and powerplant license), I said no, she says to go get it, email her a copy of it asap upon receiving it, and she could get me overseas, just as long as I can pass a d&a screening and background ck. mid aug, $3000 later for the license, I send her the copy of my cert, my resume again and now 2 months later, still sitting around suckin the poo off my thumb. iv called, left messages, emailed and have not heard back in a month. the last I heard was "the hiring manager has my resume and is gathering up the last couple resumes for the last few positions", again, a month ago.