This tournament will be held the last wkend of feb.
3man team 2 helpers.
Helpers can do anything but have a dog in the hunt.
5 heavest hogs wins buckle
The longest stringer wins buckle
big boar
Big sow
200 entry
Loongstringer 50
Bigboar. 50
Bigsow 50
U must have hunting license.
Go by all federal an state laws.
No high fences or game fences.
No trapped or pre caught hogs
Can not start before tournament time and the team has to stay together.
All hogs have to be caught by dogs and tied.
Hogs must weigh 80lbs or bigger to be weighed.
All hogs have to walk on to scales to count in tournament.
Barr hogs are allowed
The hunt will start Saturday 6 am and end 12 mid night.
Weigh in at bill hasting on bridgeport lake off hwy 380.
1pm sunday I will start weigh ing hogs if u are not in line and through the gate by 1pm you will be disqualified.
Winners will have to take polygraph test.
Address to send entry 344 paradise tx 76073
Contact# 940 577 5289
Trophy and plaque to 2nd 3rd
There will be pig scrammble for kids if not to cold.