« on: December 01, 2013, 09:20:29 am » |
Don't feel like you are the first person this has happened too. I believe most dogs need a "getting use to" period. Some dogs get use to faster than others. If a dog has been owned and handled by one person their entire life, a new owner, new places and new dogs can take a while. If he has only had them two days and they are not hunting yet, I would not be alarmed. I think most of us have experienced this before. I've been on the other end. Got a dog from a guy, fist time out he would never leave the wheeler. I was so mad I could have killed him. Second time out (two weeks later) a totally different dog. Both new owner and previous owner need to know a new dog can take a short period to get comfortable. On the other hand, there are some dogs out there that don't care who they are with or where they are, they just go hunting.