5 months is plenty old. Get a pig....not to big...maybe 50-75lbs to start with.
I use a pen to start but that's just me. If you have one available (50-60ft across) put the dog in with the pig and see what happens. Hopefully you'll get a posative reaction
If the pups not real interested... Get in and move the pig around. If still nothing... Catch the pig and make it squeal. You should get something out of pup.
Do that a couple times then move on to mock hunts.
If you don't have access to a pen...stake the pig out. Walk your pup in and let him find the pig. See what happens. If nothing...use the techniques above. Same thing... Do that a couple times then on to mock hunts.
Should be good to go after a few training sessions.
People put pups in the woods at different ages. When you actually hunt your pup is up to you. You just want to make sure pup is mentally and physically mature enough to handle itself in the woods.