If they hear one squeal and don't get on it.... cull. Personally, if a dog doesn't show interest by 4mnths, I'm not interested(unless it's from
EXCEPTIONAL blood, then I'll give 'em till 6mnths
). I've made too many excuses, along with a lot of my friends, for dogs that did nothing but waste our time, when we could have been working with a dog that was interested. The time I have to actually work hog dogs, I place at a premium.
Therefore, I don't want to "hope" that a dog "might" eventually "be interested in looking at" a hog.... I want that prospect to
HATE a hog from as young as possible. Most of my dogs have caught shoats on their own by the age of 3mnths.... Albeit, I run fairly rough dogs, but that's what I look for,
HOG HATERS! Now, if that's the best prospect you've got, roll with it until you've got an option.... just my oh-pin-yee-own.