« on: December 12, 2013, 11:27:39 am » |
Not to high jack the post THD, but I extremely interested in Fl Cur dogs.
Roster the last cross I did made the dogs bigger then my dogs usually are. Males are usually 60-65lbs and the gyps are 50-55lbs. I was wanting to increase the size and leg of my dogs and it looks to have happened.
I have talked to some of your relatives as well as the Campbell family who also have bred and raised Blk and Tan Fl Curs. Their family has traded back and forth with your family. From what I have found out your relitives dogs back when my friend Jimmy Messick was getting dogs from your them over 55yrs ago they where pretty big. His father drove a feed truck that delivered to your past relatives ranches and would let Jimmy pick a pup every once in awhile from their litters. Jimmy said he was only aloud to take the smaller (runt) pups because your relatives wanted the bigger dogs to handle the rough cattle better. Just what I was told.
Jimmy helped Morgan Rogers develope the Morgan line of Florida Curs. Jimmy had the Partin/Peeples and Morgan had a leopard Fl Cur line. When they crossed their dogs the off springs where huge , Males 90-100lbs and females 75-85lbs!
Just curious to hear from you what you saw and heard from your uncles and granddad?? Thanks.